Solving humanity's challenges for a sustainable life is
possible with our advanced technology and expertise.
We are already showing remarkable results in various industries.

About CEN

CEN is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “Creatio Ex Nihilo”, meaning 'creation out of nothing.'It refers to the advanced technology we utilize, surpassing the boundaries of conventional science.

CEN technology extracts the unique characteristic information of various substances in nature using specialized techniques, stores this information in specially designed devices, and utilizes quantum properties such as entanglement and superpositionality. This information is then superimposed on the target environment or material through network-based transcription, enabling offsetting and reinforcement. This process transforms the target in an environmentally friendly manner and addresses various industrial field challenges.

While there are limitations in explaining it within the framework of current science, it has already demonstrated remarkable results in various industries in Korea, as well as in countries such as Japan, China, Southeast Asia, and the United States.

Using CEN technology, the massive polluted water was purified within just a couple of hours for a crew of 6,000. This technology is now being applied to naval vessels in various countries. The concept of pollution treatment utilizing CEN technology is as follows

Restoring Creation’s Design

The corporate philosophy of CENEco can be defined as 'Restoring Creation's Design,' which reflects the idea of restoring the original design or purpose of creation through the implementation of CEN technology.

It signifies restoring the original state or intent of the created world and returning damaged nature, relationships, or social structures—disrupted by human greed and sin—to their original state. It also expresses our effort to restore the earth's environment and ecosystems to their healthy and harmonious original condition. Through the application of CEN's unique technology, we aim to achieve a sustainable and healthy carbon-neutral eco-society with no pesticides, no antibiotics, no growth hormones, non-toxic practices, low carbon emissions, and environmental friendliness, making our utmost efforts to realize this vision.

Sustainable Agrifood

With CEN Eco's advanced technology, it is possible to raise healthy cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens without pesticides, toxins, or antibiotics. We provide a variety of services in the following areas.

  1. Sustainable Poultry Farming
  2. Sustainable Cattle Farming
  3. Sustainable Pig Farming
  4. Livestock Wastewater Treatment
  5. Sustainable Feed Processing
  6. Sustainable Aquaculture
  7. Pest Control
  8. Optimization of Biochar Yield
  9. Creation of Optimal Growth Environments for Animals and Plants (temperature, humidity, etc.)
  10. Sustainable Fisheries (shrimp farming, etc.)
  11. IoT-based Real-Time Monitoring Services

By utilizing the superimposition of various substance information tailored to specific issues such as odor removal, growth promotion, and improvement of egg-laying rates in livestock operations, it enables the realization of sustainable pig farming and poultry farming.

Treatment of pigs with skin diseases (completely cured in 15 days using CEN technology without the use of drugs or antibiotics)

In a demonstration of CEN technology applied at a large pig farm in China, the following results were achieved without the use of antibiotics or chemicals.

  1. Methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions reduced by 10%.
  2. Ammonia (NH₃) emissions are at 1/20 of the national top-grade standard.
  3. Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) emissions are at 1/4 of the national top-grade standard.
  4. Energy consumption and costs reduced to 1/5 of traditional composting methods.
  5. Improved odor and air quality.

The characteristics of the fertilizer produced from processed chicken manure are as follows

  1. Increase in total nitrogen content: approximately 10% or more.
  2. Organic matter content: increased by 10~30%.
  3. Improved fertilizer absorption (activity): increased by 20~30%.
  4. Enhanced sediment stability: approximately 20% improvement.
  5. Improved production efficiency: approximately 10% or more.

Additionally, eggs laid by chickens treated with our technology have strong shells and yolks that do not break easily.

Sustainable Bio

With CEN Eco's advanced technology, it is possible to realize a sustainable bio-world that is eco-friendly, low-carbon, pesticide-free, antibiotic-free, and insecticide-free.

  1. Pesticide-free, insecticide-free farming methods
  2. Optimization of smart farm production
  3. Promotion and maintenance of ornamental plant growth
  4. Cultivation solutions for highly sensitive crops such as ginseng and strawberries
  5. Customized temperature-controlled plant growth
  6. Decarbonized, eco-friendly cultivation
  7. Optimization of non-toxic fruit and vegetable growth

Sustainable Environment

With CEN Eco's advanced technology, it is possible to remove and restore soil and water pollution, remove heavy metal contamination, and process organic waste in an environmentally friendly manner. When combined with existing solution technologies, its synergy becomes even greater. Odor problems can also be successfully addressed without directional treatment or chemical processes by offsetting and superimposing reactions on the source substances causing the odors. Please refer to the following service areas for more details.

  1. Removal of various household and industrial odors
  2. Treatment of sick house syndrome
  3. Removal of contaminants
  4. Removal of oil pollution
  5. Soil contamination remediation
  6. Heavy metal pollution removal
  7. Water pollution removal
  8. Sewage sludge treatment
  9. Food waste treatment
  10. Waste upcycling
  11. Carbon dioxide reduction and carbon separation
  12. Oil contamination treatment

About Company

CEN Eco is a company founded by experts in CEN core technology, carbon/energy, environmental medical bio, and sustainable policy fields.

Key People

Key Experience
Andy An
KOLON, Ansan Urban Development
Energy System Engineering (Seoul National University, Ph.D.)
Howard Park
KIGAM, Net Zero Holdings
Petroleum and Geoenvironment (Seoul National University, Ph.D.)
John Lee
SRG Research Lab
Bio and Health (South Bailo University, L.Ac. , Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Bsc. OM)
Seungwon Choi
Chairman of the Korea Disabled Green Foundation
Sustainable Strategy (Ph.D. in Social Welfare, Calvin University)

Experts in environment, energy, carbon, sustainability, and CEN technology come together to provide optimal solutions and the best services.

For inquiries

Please contact us at Thank you.